Aurora Global Income Trust

The Trust aims to achieve absolute returns (i.e. positive returns in both rising and falling equity markets) by using a number of different global investment strategies that allows the performance of the Trust to have very little correlation to the performance of global equity market indexes. The focus on ‘absolute returns’ differs from traditional funds in that the Trust aims to produce positive returns regardless of equity market conditions.

The Trust seeks to take advantage of companies that are expected to increase in value relative to the market around the announcement of their quarterly, half-yearly and yearly earnings results, while hedging their market and currency exposure. In selecting additional investments for the Trust, the Manager follows a rigorous investment selection process which includes detailed qualitative and fundamental research.

How to Invest

1. Read the PDS

2. Either purchase Units on the ASX through a stockbroker under the ASX Code: AIB. We do not charge entry or exit fees when investors purchase or redeem their holdings on-market, however transaction /brokerage costs may apply.

3. Alternatively complete the application form in the PDS and forward funds with your application. Applications are processed monthly and must be received by 20th day of the month within which you wish to invest.

4. Receive confirmation of your investment via post.

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